[For Staff Only]
To share: Award Ceremony of the 6th University of Macau Energy Saving Competition
Ref. No : CMDO-ES/INT/028/2019Posted by :KinManL/UMAC
Department :CMDO-ESPosted Date : 12/09/2019
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** 恭喜各得獎部門! **
** Congratulations! **
表現最優秀單位—第一名:S9 紹邦書院
1st place winner of the Energy-Saving Units: S9 Shiu Pong College
表現最優秀單位—第二名:W23 鄭裕彤書院
2nd place winner of the Energy-Saving Units: W23 Cheng Yu Tung College
表現最優秀單位—第三名:E11 科技學院
3rd place winner of the Energy-Saving Units: E11 Faculty of Science and Technology
表現最優秀單位—第四名:W13 何鴻燊東亞書院
4th place winner of the Energy-Saving Units: W13 Stanley Ho East Asia College
表現最優秀單位—第五名:E21 社會科學學院
5th place winner of the Energy-Saving Units: Faculty of Social Sciences
表現最優秀單位—第五名:E21 澳門研究中心
5th place winner of the Energy-Saving Units: Centre for Macau Studies
表現最優秀單位-—第六名:W21 曹光彪書院
6th place winner of the Energy-Saving Units: W21 Chao Kuang Piu College
表現最優秀單位—第七名:N8 澳大綜合體育館
7th place winner of the Energy-Saving Units: N8 UM Sports Complex
表現最優秀單位—第八名:E3-E7 學務部
8th place winner of the Energy-Saving Units: E3-E7 Academic Affairs Office
表現最優秀單位—第八名:E3-E7 資訊及通訊科技部
8th place winner of the Energy-Saving Units: E3-E7 Information and Communication Technology Office
表現最優秀單位—第八名:E3-E7 教與學優化中心
8th place winner of the Energy-Saving Units: E3-E7 Centre for Teaching and Learning Enhancement
表現最優秀單位—第八名:E3-E7 持續進修中心
8th place winner of the Energy-Saving Units: E3-E7 Centre for Continuing Education
表現最優秀單位—第九名:W11 滿珍紀念書院
9th place winner of the Energy-Saving Units: W11 Moon Chun Memorial College
表現最優秀單位—第十名:W12 蔡繼有書院
10th place winner of the Energy-Saving Units: W12 Choi Kai Yau College
學院節省最多用電量獎獲獎單位:E11 科技學院
The Winner of Faculty Big Saver: E11 Faculty of Science and Technology
實施最多節能項目獲獎單位:E1及E2 圖書館
The Winner of The Best Implementer of Energy-Saving Measures: E1 & E2 Library
最佳節能書院獲獎單位:S9 紹邦書院
The Winner of The Most Energy Efficient Residential College: WS9 Shiu Pong College
節省最多用電量進步獎 及 節省最多用電量百分比進步獎獲獎單位:N23 科技學院
The Winners of The Most Improved Participant (by exact amount) and The Winners of The Most Improved Participant (by percentage): N23 Faculty of Science and Technology
節省最多用電量進步獎 及 節省最多用電量百分比進步獎獲獎單位:N23 應用物理及材料工程研究所
The Winners of The Most Improved Participant (by exact amount) and The Winners of The Most Improved Participant (by percentage): N23 Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering
S9 紹邦書院代表分享節能心得
Sharing by S9 Shiu Pong College Representative
W23 鄭裕彤書院代院長李偉權博士分享節能心得
Sharing by W23 Cheng Yu Tung College Interim Master Dr. LEE Wee Ken