Open Letter from Chief Executive of Macao SAR
Ref. No : JCHG-BLH7LAPosted by :JoannaCheong/UMAC
Department :COPosted Date : 05/02/2020
Category :

English / 中文
    Dear colleagues and students,

    The chief executive of the Macao SAR expresses his heartfelt thanks to Macao residents for their understanding, support, and cooperation during the government's anti-epidemic campaign. He also thanks all public servants for their hardwork and selfless dedication during this difficult time.

    He hopes that people from all walks of life can work together to fight the novel coronavirus to safeguard the life and health of all Macao residents as well as public security and order, in order to restore normalcy in public life soon.

    For details, please refer to the letter (full text in Chinese version).



    新聞來源:行政長官辦公室 (GCE)
    Source: Office of the Chief Executive

    Best regards,
    UM Task Force for Pneumonia Prevention and Control

    澳門大學肺炎防控工作小組 謹啟

    (Ref: PPC/CO/039)