Sharing of Two Philosophy Channels by IAS Senior Fellow
Ref. No : ZITG-C54C37Posted by :zitaleong/UMAC
Department :IASPosted Date : 22/07/2021
Category :

IAS Senior Research Fellow, Prof. Hans-Georg Moeller, has initiated two globally successful social media channels, widely sharing contemporary ideas and knowledge on Chinese philosophy, namely Carefree Wandering and Philosophy in Motion. Professor Moeller is the Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies of FAH.

高研院資深駐院學人梅勒教授推出兩個社交影片頻道,分別是:Carefree Wandering以及情動哲學旨在分享中國哲學的當代思想及知識。梅勒教授是人文學院哲學與宗教學系教授。