MCM College Music Appreciation Workshop – Classical Period and Sonata Form
滿珍紀念書院音樂欣賞 –– 古典時期和奏鳴曲式
Ref. No : CCHG-CLH429Posted by :ChloeCheong/UMAC
Department :MCMCPosted Date : 25/11/2022
Category :
Photo Sharing

MCM College Music Appreciation Workshop – Classical Period and Sonata Form

MCM College Music Appreciation workshop invited MCM College resident Nemo Li as the speaker on Classical period and sonata form. Classical period falls between the Baroque and the Romantic periods. The name “classical” is applied to the period because of the rising admiration for the Greek and Roman classics in art and literature.

Nemo shared with audience that since the value of the common person and the power of human reasoning in overcoming the problems of the world are being emphasized, this revolution in thinking brought about the conflict between the old order and new ideas, and music in the classical period reflected the changes in the society. This was the first era in music history in which public concerts became an important part, serving a wider range of audience.

With Haydn and Mozart as the major musical figures of the period, Nemo talked about the sonata form established and its application in music, followed by analyzing Mozart Symphony No. 40 in G minor 1st movement together with audience.

Started with knowing little about the characteristics of the genre, Nemo worked with resident fellow and did thorough research on the topic. Finally, she gave a confident presentation and shared with audience a very precise summary on the Classical period and sonata form.