[For Staff Only]
UM YuJa - New service for teaching video sharing and management on UMMoodle
UM YuJa - 在 UMMoodle 上進行教學視頻共享和管理的新服務
Ref. No : JCHI-CCZ3XKPosted by :JeffreyChoi/UMAC
Department :ICTO-ACTSPosted Date : 30/03/2022
Category :


To: All academic staff

A new service UM YuJa has started in use. UM YuJa is a video content management system that is similar to YouTube and is integrated with UMMoodle.

With UM YuJa, teachers can create a channel for each of their UMMoodle courses and share teaching videos with their students within the same course. Teachers can also enjoy the auto-captioning feature for each of their uploaded videos. Teachers can also create video quizzes and synchronize grades to the UMMoodle grade book. Teachers can also have video analytics of each of their uploaded videos etc.

To learn how to start using UM YuJa on UMMoodle, please visit the following guideline for detailed instructions.

To explore more features on YuJa, please visit the official documentation provided by YuJa for more information.

If you have any questions related to UM YuJa, please feel free to send your inquiry to elearning@um.edu.mo.

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Email : icto.helpdesk@um.edu.mo

Information and Communication Technology Office