OSA organized wonderful activities in February,
it's time to share our happiness with you!
現與您分享活動中的歡樂時刻! |
Sports Exchange Competition between UM and HSU Badminton Teams
23 February 2019 // 2019年2月23日
Hong Kong // 香港 |
Sports Interest Courses for 2018/2019 2nd Semester
2018/2019 第二學期運動興趣班
February to April 2019 //2019年2月至4月
UM Sports Complex (N8) // 澳大綜合體育館 (N8)
Acrobatics 體操

Kickboxing 踢拳

"Let’s Exercise Together for 30 Minutes"
13, 18 & 20 February 2019 // 2019年2月13、18及20日
University of Macau // 澳門大學
In order to better promote the sports culture and healthy life in UM. OSA organized the activity "Let’s Exercise Together for 30 Minutes” from 8 January to 20 February. With the aim to cultivate sports habits of UM students. There were 492 participants in this event. |
Dash Mop inside Indoor Sports Venues of UM Sports Complex
From 1 February 2019 onwards // 由二零一九年二月一日開始
UM Sports Complex (N8) // 地點: 澳大綜合體育館(N8)
Dust mops are placed in each indoor sports venue for users to clean the floor if necessary.
每個室內場館增設了塵推,方便用家自行清潔。 |
N1 Mini Fitness room (N1-1022) and changing rooms (N1-1023 & 1024) are opened for UM Staff since 17 Dec 2018
(online registration is required for the 1st time)
N1 小型健身室 (N1-1022)及更衣室(N1-1023 & 1024) 已於2018年12月17日開放給澳大教職員使用(首次進入使用需網上登記)
Form 17 December 2018 onwards // 由二零一八十二月十七日開始
Mini Fitness Room N1 (1022) // 地點: 小型健身室 N1 (1022)
In order to improve the health living style of UM staff, the N1 Mini Fitness room (N1-1022) and changing rooms (N1-1023 & 1024) are opened for UM Staff from 17 Dec 2018. The fitness room (142 square meters) locates on the first floor of N1 building, equips with 11 exercise machines, dumbbells and drinking fountain. Please refer to the below link for more information:
為了提升澳大教職員的健康生活模式,N1 小型健身室 (N1-1022)及更衣室(N1-1023 & 1024) 已於2018年12月17日開放給澳大教職員使用。健身室 (約142平方米)位於N1聚賢樓1樓,配有11台健身器材,啞玲及飲水機。詳情請留意以下連結:
More information 更多資訊 |
Wall-Mounted Retractable Banner Rack
Training Hall // 訓練館

Content or e-bulletin link: In order to grab and generate users' and visitors' interest about the competitions, sports activities, and any other events taking place in Training Hall (for both court A and Court B), 4 sets of Wall-Mounted Retractable Banner Rack are installed in the venue for approved venue rental users to hang banners that are designed for the above-mentioned purposes (any kind of commercial purpose is prohibited. It will be removed immediately once found). Attached is the “User Manual for Wall-Mounted Retractable Banner Rack” for your reference.
伸縮式掛牆橫幅架使用指引.pdf |
UM indoor and outdoor sports venue signage
UM Sports Complex and outdoor sports venues on the campus // 澳大綜合體育館及校園內的體育場地
Content or e-bulletin link: Big-size signage boards and banners are added to the entrances/fences of UM indoor and outdoor sports venues to improve their visibility.
在澳大室內和室外體育場地加裝大型標識板和橫幅以改善其可見性。 |
Re-surfacing of Basketball Courts
February 2019 // 2019年2月
Outdoor Basketball Court no. 12, 13 and 14, near Cotton Tree Circle // 鄰近木棉街的室外12、13及14號籃球場
Temporary Toilet at Mini Artificial Turf Soccer Pitch
February 2019 // 2019年2月
Mini Artificial Turf Soccer Pitch, near Cotton Tree Circle // 鄰近木棉街的小型人造草足球場

New Archery Targets
February 2019 // 2019年2月
Archery Range, near Cotton Tree Circle // 鄰近木棉街的射箭場

A multipurpose e-scoreboard system
Sports Pavilion (N8) // 綜合體育館主場館 (N8)

To enhance our users’ experience, an improvement work has been carried out not long ago. In which, a multipurpose e-scoreboard system has been set up inside the Sports Pavilion. The e-scoreboard system can be used for a wide range of indoor sports such as basketball and volleyball. Moreover, with the affirmation from the ASEAN Basketball League (ABL), the system has been used to support their games that took place at the UM Sports Pavilion recently.
爲了提高用戶的體驗,澳大體育館於不久前進行了一項系統升級工作,並在主場館內安裝了一套多用途電子記分系統。這套電子記分系統可於廣泛的室內運動比賽中使用,如籃球和排球。此外該系統亦獲得東南亞職業籃球聯賽(ABL)的肯定,在他們於澳大體育館內的球賽中使用。 |
Improvement works for the indoor closed-circuit television (CCTV) system
Sports Complex (N8) // 綜合體育館 (N8)
The UM Sports Complex has updated its' indoor closed-circuit television (CCTV) system recently. At the same time, extra surveillance cameras were added.
澳大體育館對現時館內的閉路電視系統進行了升級改造工作,同時亦在館內增加了額外的監控攝像頭。 |