Election of 25th Management Board of UMSU is going to start
Ref. No : CSIN-CHB4VMPosted by :CarmenSin/UMAC
Department :SAO-SDSPosted Date : 15/08/2022
Category :
Campus Activity

本通告由 澳門大學學生會選舉委員會 製作、學生發展處代傳。
This bulletin is produced by Election Committee of UMSU and posted by Student Development Section.
Dear Student,

The Election of the 25th Management Board of UMSU has officially kicked off. This election will elect the next Management Board of UMSU. The voting days will be held from 27 September (Tuesday) to 29 September (Thursday). If you are interested in running for the election, please attend the Election Interpretation Meeting held on 20 August (Saturday) at 14:30 via ZOOM.

Whether you are a freshman or a graduating student, every UM student is a member of UMSU. Each member has the obligation and right to be part of UMSU. Students have rights to vote for their preferred group in the election. As a UM student, your vote will determine the future policy of UMSU and affect the rights of complaint and welfare for the future students. Every member has the right to elect, to be elected, to be dismissed and to nominate applies.

UMSU Management Board comprises the General Assembly, the Board of Directors, and the Supervisory Board. The election of the Students’ Union Management Board is conducted as cabinet. The General Assembly and the Board of Directors are comprised of one cabinet, while the Supervisory Board is comprised separately as one cabinet for the election.

UMSU provides monthly benefits to every student at the beginning of each month, which provides comfort and care amid the demanding academic schedule. In addition, UMSU also organizes various student activities, such as Orientation Camp, Valentine’s Day activity, May Fourth Youth Festival, and other holiday celebrations.

For more information about the election, such as how to stand for election and vote, please follow the social media platforms of UMSU and its Election Committee below:

Election Committee FB: https://www.facebook.com/umsuelectioncommittee
Election Committee IG: https://www.instagram.com/electioncommittee_umsu/?r=nametag
Students’ Union FB: https://www.facebook.com/UMSUmo
Students’ Union IG: https://instagram.com/umsu.mo?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
Election promote video: https://fb.watch/eRKeue5Mab/
Election Interpretation Meeting (ZOOM): https://zoom.us/j/97802189268?pwd=UFBQV1YwZFFoamNUd0hOMHdaelA4Zz09

Thank you for your attention.

25th Election Committee of University of Macau Students’ Union
Email: umsuelectioncommittee2022@gmail.com