[For Staff Only]
集中採購 Centralized Procurement 2021 schedule and 1st call for Furniture (Deadline: 28 Feb 2021, 5:30 pm)
Ref. No : CHOO-BXVAQ4Posted by :CarmenHo/UMAC
Department :ADMO-PCTPosted Date : 03/02/2021
Category :

Dear Colleagues,

(The information below requires follow-up and timely action. Please forward this email to your staff in charge of procurement in your unit.)

Greetings from the Office of Administration!

The Centralized Procurement had been initiated for 3 years. Through reviewing and adjusting to the departments’ need in their purchasing, we understand that there is a strong desire from departments that the Centralized Procurement shall continue to serve as a channel of bulk purchasing in negotiating for a more competitive price and better service. This email is attached with the details of this year’s schedule.

Items to be purchased that fall into the following four categories will be handled through Centralized Procurement. Therefore, units are encouraged to plan ahead their purchase plan. Please refer to the purchase calendar below. PCT will announce two calls each year for collecting purchase requests of these items.

The first call for Furniture is open from now to 28 Feb 2021, 5:30 p.m.
1st call
2nd call
Submission period
Expected delivery
Submission period
Expected delivery
1Furniture (e.g. office furniture, outdoor furniture, hostel furniture, laboratory furniture, etc.)
Now – 28 Feb 2021
1-30 Jun 2021
2IT equipment (e.g. desktop computer, laptop, printer, monitor, etc.) & photocopier** (including rental and purchase of photocopier)
1-31 Mar 2021

(photocopier rentals : Sep, Oct)
1-31 Jul 2021

(photocopier rentals : Jan, Feb 2022)
3Electrical appliances (e.g. dehumidifier, refrigerator and heater, etc.) & AV equipment (e.g. amplifier, microphone, other accessories, etc.)
1-30 Apr 2021
1-31 Aug 2021
4Office supplies (e.g. shredder, fax machine, large stapler, etc.) & first aid supplies
1-31 May 2021
1-30 Sep 2021
**All requests for photocopier rentals (both renewal or new rental) shall be submitted through “centralized procurement”. Individual requests which require contract signing are not accepted.

Requesting units are advised to observe the procedures below:

Please note that the following items are NOT included in this Centralized Procurement exercise:
Should you encounter any problems in completing the e-PR forms, or have any enquiries on the Centralized Procurement, please contact:
Last but not least, on behalf of the Office of Administration, I wish you and your family an auspicious and prosperous Year of the Ox!

Thank you for your attention.

Procurement Section, Office of Administration