Dear Colleagues,
In accordance with the guidelines (Attachment 1) of the Public Administration and Civil Service Bureau (SAFP), considering the current anti-pandemic measures and prevention requirement due to the novel coronavirus pneumonia and the need to provide a reasonable level of services, the University will maintain limited services from 30 July 2022 to 1 August 2022.
Meanwhile, staff members who need to work on campus or at designated locations should perform a rapid antigen test before heading to work and should perform the nucleic acid test according to the Guidelines from the Health Bureau.
Work arrangement for UM staff members during the above mentioned period is as follows:
- Academic Staff Members
All academic staff members should continue to discharge their duties including among others delivery of online teaching and supervision of postgraduate students. Meanwhile, each staff member shall be well prepared for the new academic year.
- Research Staff Members
All research staff should continue to perform their work duties. Unit heads should arrange staff members to work from home or work on campus at different time slots based on the actual needs to reduce the gatherings among staff members. Working in laboratories and public offices should abide by the requirement of "two people per room".
- Administrative Staff Members
Unit heads should arrange staff members to work on campus in batches and at different time slots, and should not arrange more than 50% of staff members to work at the same time. Staff members who are not assigned to work on campus should work from home during this period.
In addition, please also note on the following:
- For providing limited services, it should be arranged at different time slots and appointment shall be made via online or by telephone in advance;
- Unit heads should make appropriate work arrangement in consideration of the physical condition of staff members (such as pregnancy) and for those who need to take care of the elderly or young children at home. And, on-campus work arrangement for staff members with yellow health code should be avoided;
- For staff members who are not assigned to work on campus or at designated locations will be considered as justifiable absence, but they must fulfill their obligations and strictly comply with the Chief Executive Dispatch no. 137/2022 to stay at home. They must wear a surgical face mask or a face mask above such standard, when going out due to the reasons stated in the Dispatch.
Please refer to the attached guidelines of SAFP and Health Bureau for details.
Thank you for your attention!
Human Resources Section
(Ref: PPC/HRS/231) |