In order to know more about the provident fund scheme and how to manage the personal account, you are cordially invited to join the "Provident Fund Seminar" which to be held on 28 February 2019 by the Manulife. Details of the seminar are as follows:
Date | 2019年2月28日 (星期四)
28 February 2019 (Thursday) |
Venue and Time | 英語場 English Session:
地點 Venue: 人文社科樓 Humanities and Social Sciences Building, E21-G011
時間 Time: 10:30 - 11:30
廣東話場 Cantonese Session:
地點 Venue: 行政樓 Administration Building, N6-1011
時間 Time: 12:00 - 13:00 |
Speakers | 陳嘉綸小姐 Ms. Karen Chan
強積金關係管理部 - 高級總監 Senior Director, MPF Relationship Management
袁志豪先生 Mr. Gordon Yuen
僱員福利部 - 客戶關係副總監 Customer Relationship Associate Director, Employee Benefits |
Agenda |
- 公積金計劃簡介 P-fund Scheme Summary
- 公積金計劃特點 P-fund Scheme Features
- 公積金僱員權益報表 Employee Benefit Statement
- 網上服務指南 (例如:建立個人網上帳户及取得密碼之步驟等) On-line Service Guide (e.g. personal e-account registration and getting password procedures, etc.)
- 宏利額外服務 (例如:手機應用程式及到價提示功能等) Other Value Added Service (e.g. mobile app and fund price alert function, etc.)
- 環球市場透視及展望 Financial Market Perspectives and Outlook
- 問答環節 Q & A
Registration | 有興趣參與之同事,請於2019年2月27日或之前登入網上表格登記 (Link)。
Interested parties shall register via e-form on or before 27 February 2019 (Link). |

如有任何垂詢,請致電8682、8571、8405 跟人力資源處薪酬與福利組聯絡或電郵至hrs_comp_benefits_grp@um.edu.mo查詢。
Should you have any queries, please feel free to contact HRS Compensation and Benefits Team at ext. 8682, 8571, 8405 or email to hrs_comp_benefits_grp@um.edu.mo. |