Besides the "Provident Fund Seminar", you are cordially invited to join the "Private Consultation Session of Provident Fund" which to be held on 1 March 2019 by the Manulife. During the consultation session, you can discuss with the Manulife representatives individually regarding your provident fund and seek for professional advice. Details are as follows:
日期: 2019年3月1日 (星期五)
Date: 1 March 2019 (Friday) |
上午場 Morning Session
地點 Venue: 行政樓 Administration Building, N6-3016
時間 Time: 10:00 – 13:00 (需預約 by appointment) | 下午場 Afternoon Session
地點 Venue: 工商管理學院 Faculty of Business Administration, E22-G025
時間 Time: 14:00 – 17:00 (需預約 by appointment) |
備註 Remarks:
- 每一會談時間約30分鐘,如:10:00 至10:30 。Each consultation session is around 30 mins, e.g. 10:00-10:30.
- 整個會談過程絕對保密。It’s an individual consultation with Manulife representatives, all the conversation will be kept as confidential.
- 諮詢服務應先預約,如時間許可,沒預約的同事也可即場查詢。Please make a reservation first, walk in can be acceptable if time is allowed.
有興趣與宏利代表進行私人會談的同事,請先與宏利代表梁小姐進行預約 (電話:853-66817711 / 83980336;電郵:sm_leong@manulife.com.hk) 。
Colleagues who would like to have a private consultation with the Manulife representatives, please make a reservation with Ms. Carmen Leong of Manulife in advance (Contact No.: 853-66817711 / 83980336; Email: sm_leong@manulife.com.hk). |