| 《職場軟實力系列-睡眠力》講座
Seminar on "Sleep - The Most Unruled Class in University" |
Course schedule:
| 19/08/2020 ( Wednesday / 星期三)
13:00 - 14:00 |
| 1小時 (共一節)
1 hours (1 session in total) |
| 也許你夜間經常失眠或難以入睡,曾經理所當然的睡眠時光變得陌生?又或者是你可能沒有失眠,但不論如何休息,睡得再多,仍舊覺得倦怠?白天工作沒有精神,因此影響工作表現,職場競爭力下滑?期待您一同來學習職場必備軟實力-睡眠力。
There are many required courses in university, such as love, community and schoolwork. Besides, there are another required class - sleep. Why? It is because if you can live up to 90 years old, you would spend 30 years on sleeping. The key to success in life starts from having a good sleep.
Do you sleep well? What happen during our 8 hours of sleep? You are welcome to enjoy this class. |
| 李昇恆先生 - 澳門大學心理輔導員
Mr. Seng Hang Lei - Counsellor of University of Macau |
| 費用全免
Free of Charge |
| 最多三十人
Maximum 30 |
| 廣東話
Cantonese |
| E4-G053 |
| 澳大所有職員及其家屬
All UM staff members and their family member(s) |
Enrolment form and deadline:
| Please Click Here
13/08/2020 (星期四/Thursday) |
- 為公平起見,如報名人數超過特定名額,報名將會以抽籤形式進行 ,但澳大全職員工優先。為了更能善用資源,懇請學員於報名獲確認後依時出席及參與。
- 最終成班須視乎報名人數。
- If the number of enrollment exceeds the maximum quota, the enrollment will be drawn at random, but UM full-time staff will have the first priority. For a better use on the resources, kindly go to the class on schedule once the enrolment has been confirmed.
- The confirmation of the class is subject to the no. of participants.