Course Title
課程名稱 | : | Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) - Standard Course
精神健康急救基礎課程 |
Course Outline
課程大綱 | : |
- To have basic knowledge of: depression, anxiety disorders, psychosis and substance use disorder.
- To address the possible crisis arising from these mental health problems and proceed with necessary intervention.
- To provide suitable help for person involved before the situation gets worse on the basis of the following five keys:
1. A(Assess) and assist with any crisis.
2. L(Listen) non-judgmentally.
3. G(Give) support and information.
4. E(Encourage) the person to get appropriate professional help.
5. E(Encourage) other supports.
- To learn about UM psychological counselling and community resources and help the person involved to seek for professional treatment and make use of suitable resources.
- 對常見精神病有基礎認識,包括:抑鬱症、焦慮症、重性精神病及物質濫用等。
- 辨識精神問題及危機出現時的表徵,並於合適情況介入。
- 學習透過以下5項重點工作,在問題進一步惡化前,對當事人提供適當的支援。
1. A(Assess) 接觸當事人、評估和協助處理危機
2. L(Listen) 非批判性聆聽
3. G(Give) 給予當事人支持及提供資料
4. E(Encourage) 鼓勵當事人尋求合適的專業援助
5. E(Encourage) 鼓勵尋求其他支援
- 認識澳大心理輔導資源,以協助當事人尋求專業治療服務及運用合適資源。
導師 | : | Ms. Marion Chu and Ms. Rainbow Leong from Student Affairs Office (SAO)
Ms. Chu and Ms. Leong are qualified Mental Health First Aid Instructors, who have delivered this training to over 170 UM students and staff.
學生事務部 - 朱婉璧小姐及梁彩虹小姐
朱小姐及梁小姐具有精神健康急救課程導師認可資格,過去已為超過170名澳大學生及職員教授本課程 |
對象 | : | Frontline Staff of Student Affairs Office, Residential Colleges and Faculties
學生事務部、書院及學院之前線人員 |
Course Schedule
上課日期及時間 | : | 11, 13, 18, 20 /10/ 2022
(Every Tuesday & Thursday/ 逢星期二及四)
10:00 - 13:00 |
總時數 |  | Total 12 hours
共十二小時 |
頒發證書 | : | Participants who achieved attendance of 100% and passed the examination will be awarded a certificate*
*Certificates are issued by the Mental Health Association of Hong Kong, acknowledged by the Mental Health First Aid International
*證書由香港心理衛生會發出及獲精神健康急救國際認可 |
Class Size
人數 | : | Maximum 25
最多二十五人 |
上課地點 | : | E31-1002 |
Medium of Instruction
授課語言 | : | Cantonese
廣東話 |
報名截止日期 | : | 28/09/2022 (Wednesday/星期三) |
Enrollment Form
報名表 | : | Enrollment Form_MHFA.xls |