Course Title
課程名稱 | : | Performance Management and Effectiveness in Conducting Performance Appraisal
績效管理及績效評核 |
Course Outline
課程大綱 | : | Performance Management
1. How to develop key performance metrics
- 3 principles
- Critical setting considerations
- Data trap
2. How to implement key performance metrics to the team
- The method of implementation
- The implementation method and coordination of company culture
3. The features of the implementation of key performance metrics
- Fulfillment of the expectation of management
- Development of common goals
Performance Appraisal
1. The method and application of performance appraisal
2. The challenge of performance appraisal
3. How to develop relationship during performance appraisal interview and strengthen communication with the staff
4. Handling of poor performance and uncooperative employees
1. 如何有效設定重點工作指標
2. 如何有效向團隊進行重點工作指標
3. 發揮重點工作指標的終極功能
1. 績效考評的方法和應用
2. 績效考評之挑戰
3. 如何在績效考評面談時與員工建立關係,強化溝通
4. 處理績效差及不願合作的員工
導師 | : | Mr. Vitor VAI of the Macau Productivity and Technology Transfer Center (CPTTM)
澳門生產力暨科技轉移中心韋浩風先生 |
對象 | : | UM Staff, priority to team leaders / supervisory level and Administrative Officers
澳大員工,團隊組長及行政主任優先 |
Course Schedule
上課日期及時間 | : | 10, 17, 24 & 31 /10/ 2022
(Every Monday/ 逢星期一)
18:30 - 21:30 |
總時數 | | Total 12 hours
共十二小時 |
頒發證書 | : | Certificates will be awarded to participants who achieve attendance of 80% or above
出席率達80%或以上之學員將獲發證書 |
Class Size
人數 | : | Maximum 20
最多二十人 |
上課地點 | : | E11-1009 |
Medium of Instruction
授課語言 | : | Cantonese
廣東話 |
報名截止日期 | : | 28/09/2022 (Wednesday/星期三) |
Enrollment Form
報名表 | : | Enrollment Form_Performance.xls |