Our lives are filled with chances and challenges. Sometimes you may need someone to support or to give you advices on how to grasp your chances and to overcome challenges. In the meantime, you may also hope to enhance your emotional well-being and to achieve the work-life balance. Professionals in psychology arranged by the Health Bureau are here offering a variety of consultation services, such as providing the mental health information, career counseling or advice, for self development and even family related issues. They are more than happy to listen and to share what you are most concerned about in order to improve your lives.
You are encouraged to refer your colleagues if you feel that they will also benefit from this consultation service. For example, if you realize that recently your colleague's emotion goes up and down or you are seeing unusual behaviors, you are welcome to tell your colleague to call for the service directly. Please refer to the following for details and the important remarks of the Referral.
生活總是充滿著機會和挑戰,有時候我們需要別人給予支持和建議 ,好讓我們能更好地把握機會和迎接挑戰。同時我們亦希望工作與生活上得到平衡,使身心得到健康和快樂。
Mental Health & Development Consultation Service and
Referral Programme for UM Staff
The service is provided by professionals of psychology arranged by the Health Bureau who have extensive experience in various counseling services
Please call for consultation appointment
Contact 聯絡方式
Tel 電話 | : | 2871 5131 |
Venue 地點 | : |
- Psychological Relief Service Area : Rua de Coimbra, no. 225, Fl. 3, Taipa (downstairs of Island District Public Services Centre)
氹仔哥英布拉街225號2樓心理舒緩服務區 (離島政府合服務中心樓下)
- Av. Dr. Mário Soares, Montepio Building, Fl. 5-C, Macau (next to Luso International Banking)
澳門蘇亞利斯博士大馬路澳門互助會五字樓公職福利處C室 (國際銀行總行側)
Service Time 服務時間 | : | Mon / 星期一 18:00 - 20:30
Wed / 星期三 18:00 - 20:30
Fri / 星期五 18:00 - 20:30
Sat / 星期六 10:00 - 12:30 |
All communication will be kept strictly confidential.
所有資料絶對保密 |
Please visit the HRS Website to know more about our Consultation Service: |