Outdoor Step Stone Replacement Work at S8 University Mall ground floor entrances from 01 - 16 December 2020
Ref. No : HWOG-BVU99PPosted by :HenryWong/UMAC
Department :CMDO-FDSPosted Date : 30/11/2020
Category :

Dear Students and Colleagues,

Please be informed that there will be outdoor stair step stone replacement works at S8 University Mall ground floor entrances from 1 December to 16 December 2020.

The working hours will be from Monday to Sunday, 09:00-18:00. During the working period, noise and dust will be generated and partial closure of access will be implemented at entrances at S8 by phases. Please refer to the attached layout plan for detail information. Please follow the signs and guidance of the on-site guards during the said period.

Should you have any enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Henry Wong at ext. 8465 or Mr. Ovin Chan at ext. 8248. For any emergency during non-office hours, please contact Security Centre at ext. 4000.

Thank you.

Best regards,

Facility Development Section



  施工時間為星期一至星期日 09:00-18:00。工程期間會產生噪音及塵土。屆時,S8各出入口將分階段作出局部封閉,敬請使用者留意現場指示牌及遵照工作人員的指示,詳可參閱附件平面圖。

  如有任何疑問,可致電本處黃先生(內線 8465)陳先生(內線 8278)查詢,如非辦公時間內遇到緊急事故,請即致電保安中心(內線 4000)



設施拓展處 謹啟

S8 薈萃坊地面層施工位置圖
Layout drawing of the works at S8 University Mall GF