Application for Stay Permit: Schedule of Undergraduate Freshmen (14-24 Sep 2020)
辦理【逗留的特別許可】:本科新生的時間安排 (2020年9月14日至24日)
Ref. No : DHOO-BT8DGDPosted by :DuncanHo/UMAC
Department :SAO-SRSPosted Date : 08/09/2020
Category :

辦證目的 / The nature of the Special Authorization to Stay

根據澳門法律,所有非本地學生必需辦理【逗留的特別許可】,否則將觸犯法律而引致逾期居留,後果相當嚴重 (最嚴重者將被驅逐出境並禁止兩年內不能到訪澳門)。




The nature of "Special Authorization to Stay"
According to Macau Law 4/2003 Article 8, all non-local students (except Hong Kong Permanent Residents) taking a Higher Education Programme at a Higher Institute in Macao are required to apply for “Special Authorization to Stay” (aka “student visa”). This document serves as a valid permit to stay in Macao. For more information about it, please visit =>

Student Resources Section will arrange all non-local freshmen to approach the Immigration Department for the application of the mentioned Authorization. It takes approximately 2-3 hours for the application.

Please be punctual and late comer will NOT be entertained.