UM String Orchestra will be LIVE at online platforms, 08 April 2022, 20:30, Venue: MMAS-Macau Music Art Space
澳門大學弦樂團將於網上平台直播 「藝 談」:2022年04月08日, 晚上8:30, 地點:MMAS 澳門音樂藝術空間
Ref. No : SKUK-CD86HHPosted by :SharonKuok/UMAC
Department :SAO-SRSPosted Date : 06/04/2022
Category :
Campus Activity

澳門大學弦樂團將於網上平台直播 「藝 談 」
UM String Orchestra will be LIVE at online platforms

V.P.N 直播Ep.26 | 胡駿然 鄺詠怡 許鈞奇 林綽盈 @澳門大學弦樂團
  • 胡駿然,法學院及馬萬祺羅柏心書院大二學生
  • 鄺詠怡,教育學院及鄭裕彤書院大二學生
  • 許鈞奇,科技學院何鴻燊東亞書院大四學生
  • 林綽盈,社會科學學院滿珍紀念書院大四學生

V.P.N LIVE Ep.26 | Vu Chon In, Kuong Weng I, Hoi Kuan Kei, Lam Cheok Ieng of UM String Orchestra
  • Vu Chon In, Year 2 Student from FLL and MLC
  • Kuong Weng I, Year 2 student from FED and CYTC
  • Hoi Kuan Kei, Year 4 student from FST and SHEAC
  • Lam Cheok Ieng, Year 4 student from FSS and MCMC

Theme: UM String Orchestra
日期 Date :2022年/04月/08日

時間 Time :晚上8時30分
地點 Venue :MMAS 澳門音樂藝術空間 MMAS-Macau Music Art Space

安東尼工作室 Anthony Studio
Macau Violin, Piano, Narrator - V.P.N
MMAS-Macau Music Art Space



為了使學生得到專業的培訓、提升演奏水平,除了平常樂隊排練及室樂重奏排練外,樂團並會定期邀請本地及外國專業音樂演奏教育家進行交流、集訓和同台表演。曾指導樂團及同台演出的專業音樂演奏教育家包括澳門樂團助理指揮簡柏堅先生、香港小交響樂團第二小提琴首席李海南先生、香港電台弦樂四重奏、四川交響樂團中提琴首席車健先生、美國史蒂芬奧斯汀州立大學樂團總監Gene Moon教授及該校中提琴導師Melissa Nabb小姐、香港馬林巴琴演奏家傅佩儀小姐及法國馬林巴琴演奏家Thierry Miroglia先生。此外自2013年起,澳大弦樂團每年均應邀參與澳門樂團音樂會《未來的希望》演出,讓團員透過與職業樂師肩並肩的排練和同台演出,從中學習及提升演奏水平。

澳大弦樂團經常舉辦並鼓勵團員參與校園內及本地社區的各種出音樂演出及活動。在本地社區方面,樂團常獲邀為不同的音樂會及典禮作表演嘉賓,包括於第十二屆香港(亞太區)鋼琴大賽作表演嘉賓、”禁毒微電影創作比賽”頒獎禮與澳門浸信中學管弦樂團作現場演奏、參與澳門浸信中學的”共聚 弦續”音樂會、於澳門室內樂協會的”室樂雅聚慶回歸”音樂會中聯合演出、於”培道五四匯演”歌唱比賽作中客席演出及於澳門濠江中學”Yale Out of Blue Concert”中客席演出。


The University of Macau String Orchestra (UMSO) was established in January 2010. It consists of undergraduates and postgraduates of the University of Macau and there are currently 40 members. In order to provide members professional training to improve their techniques and performance level, orchestra makes its best to offer various musical platforms for UM string enthusiasts to perform and exchange music knowledge. It also aims to build up members’ friendship, through of these training and performances. In addition, the Orchestra also aims to promote the art culture on campus, letting UM students appreciate the diversity of music and promote the development of local stringed music.

The orchestra rehearses regularly for different kinds of performances and events such as full orchestra, quartet and so on. We sometimes invite other professional musicians for training and joint performance such as Mr. Francis Kan, the conductor of Macao Orchestra, Mr. Le Hoai-nam, second violin principal of Hong Kong Sinfonietta, RTHK Quartet, Mr. Che Jian , Principal Viola of Sichuan Symphony, Prof. Gene Moon, Music Director of Stephen F Austin State University’s (SFASU) School of Music, Prof. Melissa Nabb, instructor at Stephen F Austin State University’s (SFASU) School of Music, Mr. Thierry Mirgolia, Marimba player from France and Ms. Fu Pui Yee, Marimba player from Hong Kong. Externally, UMSO is often invited to various concerts and ceremonies as guest performers. Besides, the Orchestra was invited to the joint concert “The Future of Classical Music” – A concert presented by Macao Orchestra with local musicians annually since 2013. It allows members to enhance their performance level through of rehearsals and performances with professional musicians and orchestra.

UMSO encourages and supports members to participate campus and local concerts, most recent concerts include “Attack on Animals” (2014), iVALDI MEETS PiAZZOLLA – THE FOUR SEASONS” (2014), Spring Music Campus Concert Night (2015), Lightening String (2015), UM & SFA Friendly Quartet Concert (2017), etc. UMSO also participates in university-wide events such as Open Day. Aside from being active in Macao, UMSO also does music exchanges in other places such as Taiwan, Bangkok, Singapore and USA.

澳門大學弦樂團介紹 Website of UMSO:

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