John Williams: Theme from E.T.
Arranged by James D. Ployhar
Sa Ng, Conductor
University of Macau Symphonic Band
“E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial”於1982年6月11日首映,它的出現打破了此前由“Star Wars”保持的票房紀錄,一舉成為史上最受歡迎的電影之一,這份紀錄一直保持到1993年才被“Jurassic Park ”所打破。這三部共同霸佔票房榜單長達二十年的電影都是由傳奇導演Steven Spielberg執導,而其配樂則均由John Williams負責,這兩位才華橫溢的藝術家的合作無疑是完成這驚人壯舉不可或缺的一部分,而其中,John Williams筆下多變而又夢幻的配樂更是令人無不讚嘆。
“Theme from E.T.”改編自電影中最為經典、最膾灸人口的樂曲“Flying”。樂曲響起,主角Elliot與他來自地球外的朋友E.T.第一次在夜空下翱翔,當足尖脫離地表的一刻,如同魔法一般奇幻美妙的旋律響起,那一刻,所有的煩惱與憂愁通通退卻,留在眼前只有這份無所不能的純真以及這如夢似幻的片刻時光。長笛此起彼伏、在樂曲中舞動的靈動身影,圓號強壯沉厚的聲音,木琴空靈的音符等等,在John Williams的筆下,聲音融合成為美妙的樂章,帶來了魔法成真的瞬間。
感謝John Williams先生創作出這一曲又一曲動人的樂曲,亦感謝各位的觀看!
"E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial" premiered on June 11, 1982. Its appearance broke the box office record previously held by "Star Wars" and became one of the most popular movies in history. It was only broken by "Jurassic Park" in 1993. The three films that dominated the box office ranking for two decades were all directed by the legendary director Steven Spielberg, and their scores were all composed by John Williams. The cooperation of these two extremely talented artists is undoubtedly indispensable for this amazing feat. And, in these movies, the varied and dreamy soundtrack written by John Williams is absolutely amazing.
"Theme from E.T." is arranged from the most popular song "Flying" in the movie. The music starts, and the protagonist Elliot and his friend E.T. from outside the Earth fly in the starry sky with the color of night for the first time. When the toes leave the surface of the planet, the fantastic and beautiful melody sounds like magic. There is only this omnipotent innocence and this dreamlike moment in front of you. The flutes are dancing in the music joyfully; the strong and deep sound of the French horn, the ethereal notes of the xylophone, etc., under the pen of John Williams, the sound merges into a wonderful piece, and brings the moment that magic becomes true to us.
Thanks to Mr. John Williams for creating these touching pieces one after another, and thank you for watching!
在他長達70年的作曲生涯當中,他獲得了52次奧斯卡金像獎的提名,5次奪得桂冠,捧走了25座葛萊美獎,取得了3座艾美獎。毫無疑問,John Williams絕對是當今最受歡迎,成就最高的音樂家之一。
The legend of Hollywood. A master of modern music.
His career began in the 1950s. Over the time, he has created countless dazzling, brilliant pieces. "Star Wars", "Indiana Jones", "E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial", "Harry Potter", etc. There are untold remarkable works which were born with his pen. Those beautiful melodies can always touch the heartstrings of the audience, making every audience fascinated by the stories of the movies.
During his 70-years composition career, he was nominated for 52 Academy Awards, won 5 times, won 25 Grammys, and won 3 Emmys. John Williams is one of the most popular and accomplished musicians today, without a doubt.
This video series is a small tribute to his ninetieth birthday, and also a tribute to the wonderful music he has brought us.