主題:慶祝約翰•威廉姆斯誕辰九十週年之約翰·威廉姆斯電影配樂系列 - 侏羅紀公園配樂精選
Due to the situation of the COVID-19 at the beginning of this year, the UM Symphonic Band “John Williams Film Scores Series” which was held in April 2022 at the University Hall and has been changed to a recording format. The performances will be showcased to UM staff and students song by song in six consecutive months starting from last month.
Please enjoy the second piece of performance performed by the UM Symphonic Band. Stay tuned for the next performance next month!
Theme: Celebrating John Williams' 90th Birthday : John Williams Film Score Series - Jurassic Park Soundtrack Highlights
Premiered on: 30 Nov 2022 (WED)
Premiere time: 09:00am
Duration: 10 minutes and 50 seconds
Video link: https://youtu.be/LdWLBY21Pn0