The University of Macau English Debating Team broke into quarter-final of the 2022 Northeast Asian Debating Championship
Ref. No : SSOU-CLD5HZPosted by :SandySou/UMAC
Department :SAO-SRSPosted Date : 21/11/2022
Category :
External Activity


The University of Macau English Debating Team broke into quarter-final of the 2022 Northeast Asian Debating Championship

Northeast Asian Debating Championship (NEADC) is one of the major international tournaments held annually across Asia. The 2022 NEADC held online by International Debating Society, attracting 120 teams and debaters from prestigious institutions such as the University of Tokyo, Keio University, Seoul National University, Yonsei University, Peking University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen) from Mainland China, University of Hong Kong and Chinese University of Hong Kong from Hong Kong, Macau University of Science from Macau, etc.

The tournament was very competitive and UM team members had fruitful results. The team, through 6 preliminary rounds, broke into the elimination round as the seventeenth ranking team in open category. Two year-two team members, Pang Lam from Honours College, Moon Chun Memorial College and the faculty of Education, Lao Pak Fai from Honours College, Lui Che Woo College and the faculty of Business Administration had advanced to the quarterfinal.



共有120支資質優異的隊伍參與本屆賽事。通過6輪初賽,僅有40支隊伍可以出綫並取得公開組淘汰賽資格。澳門大學英語辯論隊共派出兩隻隊伍參賽,其中由來自榮譽學院、滿珍紀念書院、教育學院的二年級學生彭琳和來自榮譽學院、呂志和書院、工商管理學院的二年級學生劉柏暉組成的UM A隊以公開組第17名晉級。淘汰賽中,經過兩輪激烈角逐,UM A成功晉級1/4決賽。



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