Student Housing: List for Postgraduate House Assignment Cancellation for 2nd semester of AY2021/2022 and Result of Room Change Application for Residents who renew the accommodation for 2nd semester of AY2021/2022
學生住宿:研究生宿舍現住宿生2021/2022學年第2學期不續住確認名單 及 續住宿生轉房申請結果
Ref. No : MLLL-C9KB6DPosted by :MichaeliaL/UMAC
Department :SAO-SRSPosted Date : 14/12/2021
Category :

Assignment Cancellation
Dear PGH students,

We would like to let you know that the “List for Assignment Cancellation for 2nd semester of AY2021/2022” as follows:

A. Students list for assignment cancellation for 2nd semester of AY2021/2022:
PGH Assignment Cancellation_2nd sem AY2021-2022 (as at 14 Dec 2021).pdfPGH Assignment Cancellation_2nd sem AY2021-2022 (as at 14 Dec 2021).pdf
- For those who have reached the maximum study period / received an eviction order / whose status have been changed to “graduated”, “withdrawal”, “deferred”, “inactive” and etc., if submission for assignment cancellation is not received, the system will automatically review and the move-out notification will be sent by email.

B. Schedule:
Result Announcement Date
14 December 2021
Last Move-out Date
31 December 2021, before 14:00

C. Notes for applicants:
I. For current PGH residents who have applied for assignment cancellation for 2nd semester of AY2021/2022 OR those who are not eligible for renewal, the last move-out date is 31 December 2021 before 14:00.

II. Move-out procedure: Students must reserve the move-out procedure at the PGH Management Company (S3-G003) at least 72 hours (3 days) before the move-out date, if not, a handling fee of MOP500 will be charged. Receipt will be issued by the Management Company after the appointment is made (please keep it for future reference).

For example, if a student would like to move out on 31 December (11:00am), s/he shall make the reservation via the Management Company on/before 28 December (11:00am).

If students do not move out from PGH by the date stated in Point C-I, besides residence fee, overstay penalty (MOP440/suite/per night, MOP220/single room/per night and MOP155/student in a shared room/per night) will be imposed until the completion of accommodation application or move-out procedure. Moreover, their room cards will be de-activated and an eviction order will also be issued to overstayed students.

III. PGH residents must return their room keys or cards and any other UM properties and pay all the related fees and fines upon move-out.

IV. Students are required to remove their personal belongings and garbage in the room before move-out. Otherwise, their belongings in the room will be disposed and the Garbage Removal Fee (MOP370 per person) will be levied.

V. For those residents who have moved out of PGH WITHOUT performing the move-out procedure, UM shall not only take relevant disciplinary actions but also charge the handling fees. UM will charge the residence fee and overstay penalty until move-out procedure is completed.

VI. For more information about Postgraduate House, Postgraduate House Resident Rules and Accommodation Fee and Charges, you may refer to the following link:

VII. SRS has the rights to make the final decision.

For enquiries, please contact Student Housing office on 8822 2660 during office hours or email to Thank you for your kind attention.

Student Housing
Student Resources Section
Student Affairs Office
PGH S3, G/F, Room G002
Tel: 8822-2660