Friendly reminder: Beware of Email Scams
提提您: 小心欺詐郵件
Ref. No : MILK-BRS5TEPosted by :milliemok/UMAC
Department :ICTOPosted Date : 23/07/2020
Category :

Beware of Email Scams
Samples of Email Scams

    To: All users

    You may have received email similar to the above email scams. Hackers usually use email scams to deceive you to open malicious attachments, hence, to remote control the user's computer, steal data or use as a stepping stone to invade other computers. They look like sending from your familiar friends or an institution. Please DO NOT CLICK ANY SUSPICIOUS LINKS OR RESPOND TO THESE KINDS OF EMAIL before you confirmed the true identity of the senders or the genuineness of the requests. If you have responded to the suspicious email accidentally, you are advised to reset your password at once.

    Two Common Types of Email Scams
    • Through the use of some seemingly reasonable reasons, ask recipient to provide a variety of information directly, such as: user name, password, personal data, bank account, credit card number, etc.;
    • Deceive recipients to open a phishing website or malware.

    If you encounter similar cases mentioned above, please verify the email before you follow any instructions given in the email. Please do not believe the content easily, do not reply to the email, and do not provide any information or download any software without verification. Please also note that ICTO will publish any important information through "E-Bulletin" or "UM Today" only.

    If you have any further queries, please feel free to contact our Help Desk.

    ICTO Help Desk
    Location : Room 2085, 2/F, Central Teaching Building (E5) (eMap)
    Telephone : 8822 8600
    Email :

    Thanks for your attention.

    Information and Communication Technology Office