Student Housing: Results (with Room Allocation) for Postgraduate House Application for 2nd semester of Academic Year 2020/2021
學生住宿: 2020/2021學年第2學期研究生宿舍住宿之申請結果(附上房間分配結果)
Ref. No : MLLL-BX3CEMPosted by :MichaeliaL/UMAC
Department :SAO-SRSPosted Date : 08/01/2021
Category :

PGH Accommodation Application
Dear Postgraduate Students,Please note that the Postgraduate House (PGH) Accommodation Application Result for 2nd semester of 2020/2021 academic year with Room Allocation is attached below:
A. 2nd semester Residence Period: 21 Jan 2021 – 20 Jun 2021, move out by 20 Jun 2021, 14:00
PGH Final Results_2nd sem AY2020-2021 (as at 08 Jan 2021).pdfPGH Final Results_2nd sem AY2020-2021 (as at 08 Jan 2021).pdf
  • For students who request for change room in the 2nd semester of 2020/2021 academic, you are required to apply the Room changing application, which will be opened in February 2020.
  • For those with dormitory fee waived will be notified separately.

B. Schedule:

22 Jan to 05 Feb 2021
Payment of the PGH Residence Fee
only for current PGH residents

Remarks: For students who would like to move-in after 21st January 2021, debit note will be issued within one month after the completion of move-in procedure.

C. Remarks:
1.Debit Note of PGH Residence Fee for the 2nd semester of 2020/2021 academic year will be issued on 22 Jan 2021. The payment period for settling such debit note would be from 22 Jan to 05 Feb 2021 inclusively. Any UNSETTLED PGH residence fee after 05 Feb 2021 will automatically be considered as given up the allocated bed space for second semester accommodation.

2. According to FMC decision dated on 27 February 2019, the PGH Residence Fee & Refund Terms and Conditions will be updated with effective from Academic Year 2019/2020. Therefore, please pay attention. For details, please refer to PGH website.

3. Students who have paid the PGH residence fee and decided not to move-in / stay-in PGH in the 2nd semester of 2020/2021 academic year, students ARE required to send a written request to Student Resources Section (SRS) for approval. For the amount of refundable residence fee, please refer to "PGH Refund Terms and Conditions".

4. Students who have paid the PGH residence fee and decided move-out from PGH within the PGH residence period, PGH residence fee will be refunded in proportion to students ONLY with reasons of graduation, exchange, medical issues (with medical certificates from hospitals in Macao), deferment or withdrawal of study. For the amount of refundable residence fee, please refer to "PGH Refund Terms and Conditions".

5. Students who do no complete PGH move-in procedure within the first month of the relative stay period and NO written extension of move-in request is received by PGH, their bed spaces will be cancelled by PGH. For the amount of refundable residence fee, please refer to "PGH Refund Terms and Conditions".

6. For current PGH students who are staying in the bed space of a single room, a shared room or suite room, and are approved for bed-spaces for the 2nd semester of academic year 2020/2021, they will continue to stay in the same bed-spaces of the residence period for the 2nd semester of academic year 2020/2021.

7. Room changing application (change to single room or to another shared room) for the 2nd semester of 2020/2021 will be opened in mid/late Feb 2021. Any room changing request received before/after the room changing period application period will not be entertained. Application is not guaranteed for approval, it is subject to bed spaces availability.

8. Starting from academic year 2018/2019, students can only stay in single rooms and suites for one academic year (i.e., until 20 Jun 2021 for AY2020/2021). No matter which month students move in the single rooms or suites, the single rooms and suites (including medical reasons) will be reallocated all over again at end of 2nd semester.

9. Students who request for accommodation after 18 Dec 2020 is considered as late application. Late application will NOT be considered and entertained. Even if students are willing to accept the related penalties, SRS will not entertain.

10. For current PGH students who have not applied or got approval for the accommodation of 2nd semester of academic year 2020/2021, the last move-out date for 1st semester of 2020/2021 academic year is 20 Jan 2021, 14:00. Students must reserve the move-out procedure at the Management Company at least 72 hours (3 days) before the move-out time/date, if not, a handling fee of MOP500 will be charged. Receipt will be issued by the Management Company after the appointment made (Please keep it for further reference).For example, if a student would like to move out on 20 Jan (11:00am), s/he shall make the reservation via the Management Company on/before 17 Jan (11:00am).

11. If students do not move out from PGH by the above deadline, besides residence fee, overstay penalty (MOP440/suite/per night, MOP220/single room/per night and MOP155/student in a shared room/per night) will be imposed until the completion of accommodation application or move-out procedure. Moreover, their room cards will be de-activated and an eviction order will also be issued to the overstayed students.

12.All residents are required to remove the personal belongings and garbage in the room before move-out. Otherwise, their belongings in the room will be disposed and the Garbage Removal Fee (MOP370 per person) will be levied. Besides, PGH residents must return their room keys or cards and any other UM properties and pay all the related fees and fines upon move-out.

13 .According to Article 39 of the Personnel Statue of UM and Article 18 of Chapter 7 of Regulations of the Personnel Affairs of the UM about the attribution of housing subsidy, UM staff is not eligible to receive the housing subsidy when he/she successfully applied for the housing provided by UM or any public entities, including the Student Dormitory (i.e. Postgraduate House).

14. For any room with vacant beds, SRS reserves all rights to assign any student to it at any moment.Room assignments are arranged by the SRS.

15. If demand for bed-spaces is more than supply, the Student Resources Section (SRS) will allocate bed spaces according to the points as below:
a. According to Article 3 of the Postgraduate House Rules, local postgraduate students have the lowest priority to be allocated for bed spaces.
b. In accordance with the PGH move-in declaration endorsed by students when making PGH application, postgraduate students who are beyond their study period also have a lower priority to be allocated for bed spaces.
c. According to Postgraduate House Point System, in case the number of applicants exceeds the number of available bed spaces of the semester, the PGH point will be considered as a reference standard. Students who with negative points also have a lower priority to be allocated for bed spaces.

Thank you for your kind attention.

Best Regards,

PGH Student Housing

Student Affairs Office - Student Resources Section

S3, G/F, Room G002

Tel: 8822 2660