Urgent Notice: Phishing Email which seems to be sent by UM staff is spreading!
緊急通知: 提防假冒本校職員發出之釣魚郵件,敬請小心!
Ref. No : JWAI-BZ9E76Posted by :JeffWai/UMAC
Department :ICTOPosted Date : 19/03/2021
Category :

To: All Users

ICTO received a system alert regarding a suspicious email with the subject "Follow Up This Message Now".This email seems to be sent by a UM staff. However, the email has been confirmed as a phishing email after investigation. Moreover, ICTO has urgently blocked this suspicious email. Usually, once you reply to the email, you will receive a second email which may request you to do something, e.g. ask you to buy prepaid card.

If you receive any email which mentions personal data, password, money transfer, consumer offers or account verification. Please DO NOT RESPOND to these kinds of email before you confirmed the true identity of the senders or the genuineness of the requests.

If you have any further queries, please feel free to contact our Help Desk.

Reference: Beware of Phishing Trap https://icto.um.edu.mo/beware-of-phishing-trap/

ICTO Help Desk
Location : Room 2085, 2/F, Central Teaching Building (E5) (eMap)
Telephone : 8822 8600
Email : icto.helpdesk@um.edu.mo

Information and Communication Technology Office