Arrangement of Vaccination of Seasonal Influenza
Ref. No : SWUU-B8JC85Posted by :SukiWu/UMAC
Department :HSEOPosted Date : 18/01/2019
Category :

Dear colleagues and students,

To expand the protection barrier in the community and to reduce the risk of transmission of Seasonal Influenza in UM campus, Office of Health, Safety and Environmental Affairs invited medical staff from Health Bureau of Government of Macao S.A.R. to have group vaccination for about 1,000 staff and students on campus.

If you were not able to have group vaccination this time, you may make an appointment yourself online, by phone or visit Health Centers in person and then have the vaccination. The website of online registration is Please present your identification card, staff or student card, Health Bureau user card (commonly known as gold card), and vaccination record card (if any) on the day of vaccination.

Office of Health, Safety and Environmental Affairs