Health and Safety Advice during the Anti-epidemic Period
Ref. No : MCCC-BLRB9NPosted by :MicheC/UMAC
Department :HSEOPosted Date : 13/02/2020
Category :

Dear colleagues and students,

The novel coronavirus is mainly transmitted through respiratory droplets and contact. Other transmission includes aerosol and fecal-oral route. In pursuant to the recommendation of the World Health Organization, performing hand hygiene, respiratory etiquette and other personal hygienic measures are the essential measures to curb the spread of the disease. Please pay attention to the following health and safety advice during the anti-epidemic period.
· Pay attention to the epidemic update and the preventive measures of the Macao government and UM. Support and implement the measures.
· Do not gather or eat together.
· Avoid going to crowded areas.
· Try to keep a distance from others.
· Avoid close contact with patients with fever or respiratory symptoms.
· Wear a mask, especially if you are a frontline staff; used masks should be thrown into lidded rubbish bins.
· Wash hands frequently with water and liquid soap, or rub hands with an alcohol-based handrub; do not touch the eyes, nose and mouth before performing hand hygiene.
· Cover nose and mouth with a tissue paper when sneezing and coughing, and then wash hands immediately; if no tissue paper is available, cover nose and mouth with a sleeve or the crook of an elbow, not the palms.
· After using the toilet, flush it with the lid closed, and wash hands thoroughly.
· Open the windows frequently; keep the environment clean and good ventilation.
· Use bleach and alcohol with care. Do not overuse and do not heat them. Put on protective gear when diluting or using bleach as it irritates mucous membranes, the skin and the airway.
· If developing fever or respiratory symptoms, wear a mask and seek medical attention immediately. Report your travelling history and contact history to the doctor honestly.

Lastly, here are a few advice and guidelines from Health Bureau for your references.
· Guidelines on Standard Protective Equipment for Workers of Different Facets
· Guidelines for Medical Surveillance at Home
· Advice to Higher Education Institutions and Students
· Guidelines on Cleaning and Disinfection of Environment and Articles for Hotels and Other Accomodation Facilities

Guidelines on Standard Protective Equipment for Workers of DIfferent Facets.pdfGuidelines on Standard Protective Equipment for Workers of DIfferent Facets.pdfGuidelines for Medical Surveillance at Home.pdfGuidelines for Medical Surveillance at Home.pdfAdvice to Higher Education Institutions and Students.pdfAdvice to Higher Education Institutions and Students.pdfGuidelines on Cleaning and Disinfection of Environment and Articles for Hotels and Other Accomodation Facilities.pdfGuidelines on Cleaning and Disinfection of Environment and Articles for Hotels and Other Accomodation Facilities.pdf

Please refer to the designated webpages of Health Bureau and UM for the epidemic development and preventive measures.
· Health Bureau:
· UM:

Thank you for your attention

Office of Health, Safety and Environmental Affairs
(Ref: PPC/HSEO/053)