[Career Development Centre of Student Affairs Office] Career Insider (3):How to write an impressive resume
[學生事務部 生涯發展中心] 就業情報 (三):如何寫出能夠讓僱主青睞的履歷
Ref. No : WWPW-BUJBMLPosted by :WilliamWPWong/UMAC
Department :SAO-SCS-CDCPosted Date : 20/10/2020
Category :

Career Development Centre of Student Affairs Office presents
學生事務部 生涯發展中心呈獻
Career Insider (3)
就業情報 (三)
How to write an impressive resume
Employer receives many resumes from job seekers, how to write a resume that impresses employer is the target of many graduates. We have some suggestions that may help you out:
  • Recall all of your work/internship/student group activities and list them on a piece of paper;
  • Think about what kind of ability can be demonstrated through each individual experience. Each experience showcases different ability, figure out how to present them on your resume with concise words;
  • Use point form to list out your work/internship/student group experiences, avoid lengthy texts.;
  • Emphasize experience that relate to the job you are applying for and back it up with facts and figures;
  • Mind the typesetting, format and grammar in your resume.
  • 回想你所有的工作/實習/社團活動經驗,把它們羅列在一張紙上;
  • 仔細分析每一個經歷背後體現出自己的哪些能力。每段經歷可以體現出的能力也有所不同,可以仔細考慮如何通過簡潔的語言把自己的經歷闡述在履歷上;
  • 使用要點形式撰寫履歷中的工作/實習/社團活動經驗,避免長篇大論;
  • 與應徵工作有關的經驗要重點說明,用數字或具體事例體現自己的能力;
  • 注意履歷的排版、格式以及語法。