Typhoon signal No. 3 has been hosted at 6:30 am - "Saudel"
三號颱風信號已於早上6時30分懸掛 - "沙德爾 "
Ref. No : CMDO-FMM/I-146/2020Posted by :STEPHANIETIN/UMAC
Department :CMDO-FMMPosted Date : 23/10/2020
Category :

Dear Students, Residents and Colleagues,

We would like to draw your attention that the tropical cyclone signal no.3 has been hoisted at 6:30 am. According to the bulletin issued at 6 am today by SMG, the Signal No.3 will remain in effect this morning. The local winds will strengthen. At 06 L.T., Typhoon "Saudel" (2017) is located about 520 km south-southeast of Macao and moves toward Hainan Island. (Latest update info: https://www.smg.gov.mo/en)

Before leaving your offices or hostels, please:

  • Secure any outdoor flowerpots and furniture or move such objects to a safe place;
  • Check the safety of doors and windows; reinforce doors and windows with crossbars or heavy furniture if necessary;
  • Ensure that there is no blockage in rainwater channels and manholes;
  • Do not open or get close to the glass doors that are facing outside or have potential dangerous if not necessary;
  • Should you need any further assistance, please contact CMDO.

For safety sake, we would appreciate the general office of various faculties helping to check the offices of your faculty staff and make sure all windows and doors are closed before leaving today. Residents on campus are highly recommended to stay indoor during the typhoon hoisting period.

Should you have any problem with closing your windows and doors, or need any help in taking the precautionary actions, please do not hesitate to contact Campus Management Hotline at ext. 8700 or Security Centre at ext. 4000.

Thank you for your attention.

Best regards,

Facility Management and Maintenance Section